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PredSearch | Alternative Data, Hedge Funds Data, Stock Market Data, Investors Data | Consumer Stocks Signal | Global coverage | 100+ Tickers

High-quality web search volume and conversion infers revenue growth on 100+ tickers with strong online revenue exposure

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Ticker Year 2024 Search volume (+/-) Click & Conversion share Investment decision
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PredSearch web search data support use-cases in industries like: Alternative Data for Hedge Funds and Investment Managers: - Identification of high increase or decrease in search volume and conversion share on 100+ tickers with high exposure to revenues generated online - Recommendation to BUY-HOLD-SELL on 100+tickers based on search and conversion share data. Examples of the 100+ tickers per category include: 1. Clothing & Shoes: Adidas, Crocs, Puma, Skechers, Under Armour 2. Consumer Electronics: Apple, Sony, Xiaomi, Panasonic, Samsung, HP, Hisense 3. Video Games: Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Tencent, Nintendo, Take-Two Interactive 4. Cosmetics & Body Care: Beiersdorf, L'Oréal, Estee Lauder, Shiseido 5. Others: Stanley Black & Decker, Makita, Samsonite Uniqueness of PredSearch data: * 100% accuracy * Very high granularity * Can be delivered 48hrs after the occurrence * 2-years of historic coverage * We are expanding data sources and markets for higher accuracy Sourcing technology is a combination of: 1. Webscrapping 2. APIs 3. Crowdsourced data All integrated in a master investment decision table

Country Coverage

(13 countries)
Asia (1)
Australia (1)
Europe (8)
North America (3)

Data Categories

  • Alternative Data
  • Web Search Data
  • Investors Data
  • Company Financial Data
  • Hedge Funds Data


Pricing available upon request
One-off purchase
Monthly License
Yearly License



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